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5th January 2020, 17:16
Hi casanova, Google "moon Maria".
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5th January 2020, 17:24
Thank you ginge
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5th January 2020, 17:39

I've had a better run on this one - the clues were easier than most to the recent puzzles.
I'm still stuck on 1 down: I have ?ha?ge? . The thread suggests that this is thematic requiring a numeral.
I may have the g wrong as I cannot parse 19 across (particularly the Yell)
I'm also stuck on 26 across which, it seems, starts with the numeral?

I will then have another look at 28 across in the light of the helpful comments above. Any nudge would be welcome as we are about to go on holiday and I must help Mrs Seal pack the juggling ball and fish basket. Thanks to all
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5th January 2020, 17:58
Hi williamseal, I am in the same position as you. However your letters are correct. Gar plus one plus gue which is a viol in Yell in the Shetlands. As for 1 and 26, I haven’t a clue.
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5th January 2020, 18:14
XIJ - for 1d, note that the two ‘devices’ are 60 years apart. If you have the other, at 29d, a bit of Googling will give you the more recent one, which did much the same sort of thing (but was Chinese).

26a just a double definition. Google ‘Marvel of Peru’, to find another name for it. This is also another name for a particular type of honeyeater.
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5th January 2020, 18:40
Thanks Xij
Satisfying puzzle so my thanks to the setter. I still can't work out 28 across. Is it the current name for 17 down in the country's language? If so I can't parse it all. Still a good day by my standards.
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5th January 2020, 18:41
Should have been "thanks quiz' - though also thanks Xij for the 'Yell"!
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5th January 2020, 18:53
williamseal - yes. The last two letters (and indeed all of 18d and 25d) need to be modified to fit the alphabet used there.
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5th January 2020, 19:09
Finally all done but cannot see the point of 15a...?
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5th January 2020, 19:36
Thanks for that quiz, although I did get them by googling the marvel of Peru, and also the answer to 23. I have an old Collins and it’s not in there. I also have the erroneous Chambers, so had to google other answers. Still, now done and dusted. I can’t say that this is one of my favourite puzzles, but it’s very clever. Can someone explain the wordplay for 14?
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