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24th December 2019, 03:08

I finished the grid too.
Vespa is correct but it is not a scooter.
Second word is 12 letter long and begins S and ends A.

If you have 37a, you can google it and figure out the 12 letters that appear in the grid.

I have no idea what goes in the down unclueds.
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24th December 2019, 04:59
I have VESPA (Wasp) and SIPHONOPTERA (Flea). If you write these into the central 8 cells of columns 6 & 7, you get, in the acrosses (with * representing an empty cell)
I have empty cells at
C6R4, C7R4, C5R5, C8R5, C5R6, C8R6, C5R7, C8R7 + the 4 central cells in rows 6 & 7.
What the STRING is, THE FINAL RESTING PLACE is, and what the MOVE is, I have absolutely no idea. Can anyone elucidate?
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24th December 2019, 05:04
3 Definition is character
Unclued letter O
a three letter east european currency following a three letter word for trim (usually used for tapping somebody on the shoulder with a sword)
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24th December 2019, 05:10
35 letter = EN + F + ACE. Definition is STAMP. Normal clue.
27 Def one who often sees ETNA. Reverse IS on a three letter euphemism for toilet often used by Americans. Entry is a 5 letter word defining somebody who comes from a particular island. With CORS, it might be someonefrom anothe mediterranean island. Normal but obscureclue.
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24th December 2019, 08:30
the string is the letters venusflytrap (starting in top leftish and going in a U shape)
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24th December 2019, 21:22
Thank you all for your helpful hints, without which I would have been totally baffled. And Christmas greetings to all.
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25th December 2019, 07:07
First and foremost, a very Merry Christmas to all EV-ers and especially to those who have helped me over the line this year. As far as this one is concerned, am I right in assuming that only the first four and last four letters of the plant move and that the four on the left-hand side of the grid move to the right and vice versa?
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25th December 2019, 07:34
Morning, alwayspuzzled - and Merry Christmas!

Yes, only the letters you mentioned move, and yes, they move in the direction you said.
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25th December 2019, 07:41
Thank you Malone for that confirmation. Enjoy your day.
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