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3rd November 2019, 19:01
My big problem with 26a is that I don't see how 7 letters of a 9 letter word can be described as its "heart".

Also I feel that 8d doesn't work. "Aerobics" gives STEPS, which is outside DAD. Unless "aerobics commercials" is supposed to mean STEP ADS, which is nonsense.
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3rd November 2019, 19:09
Quocunque, re 8d: stepdads = relatives(def)
step ads - aerobics commercials
d - died
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3rd November 2019, 19:11
In cryptic clues, the 'heart' of a word can be one or more letters ; in this clue, it is the centre 7 letters which are anagrammed.
Step ads is meant to be jokey
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3rd November 2019, 19:32
I’ve enjoyed reading your thread this year, sharing all the ups and downs of the early months, so thank you for all that - and, Brendan, your mention of newcomers has spurred me to register!

I struggled a bit today. It took me a long time to catch what ‘caught’ meant in 18A! And I still can’t parse 17D - I thought the solution was used only verbally, whereas ‘drivel’ is a noun. Besides, i’d have thought dribble was closer to the definition. Or am I missing something?

My final puzzle was 12A. I read it rather as ‘confused when left *in*’. It’s attached when left out!
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3rd November 2019, 19:33
Thanks for the clarifications. I had no difficulty solving either clue, but I've never in 50 years of solving seen 7/9ths of a word described as its heart. And step ads doesn't say aerobics commercials to me, even as a joke.
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3rd November 2019, 19:37
Drivel can also be used a verb
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3rd November 2019, 19:40
Welcome Tomthom !
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3rd November 2019, 19:40
...from Chambers -' Drivel: to dribble, slaver like an infant, to speak like an idiot...' I quite like it when a crossword has a word, in the clue or in the answer, that makes me stop to think!
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3rd November 2019, 19:44
Thanks, Cerasus, I had wondered (I’m away from my dictionaries). The ‘it’s’ misled me into seeing ‘drivel’ as a noun - isn’t ‘it’s’ superfluous?
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3rd November 2019, 19:46
Hi TomThom, Welcome to the Forum. I'm so glad you registered and decided to post. It's made my day.

Re 17d. It's an anagram of one of the words minus a 'cross' (as opposed to a tick?) and as Malone and Cerasus have pointed out 'Drivel' can be a verb.

Look forward to hearing from you again.
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