If there is one thing I've learned from reading members comments in this weekly review of the Everyman, especially with regard to difficulty, sense of humour by the setter etc., it's that we solvers on this site are indeed a broad church.
With regards to this week's offering, I would say the setter is definitely keeping us on our toes. In fact, I'd go as far to say that I would never have guessed that this was by the regular setter.
On a personal level I admit I found it really quite difficult. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it - I did, a lot. It's just that I found it much more of a challenge that those of recent weeks, which, now and again, I'm glad of.
There are a few anagrams, but not all are straight forward and some may require addition and subtraction. 6d took me ages to figure out who the 'partner' was, but when I did, I marvelled at the genius of the clue. As they say "less is more". 9d also took a while to figure out, but when I eventually twigged it, again - excellent.
I'm still not 100% certain how 1a works. i see the first part, but I'm not totally convinced I've parsed the second bit correctly.
So there it is. I do think it's difficult, but I've gone over it a few times and everything appears to be very fairly clued, so thank you setter.
As always, I'll be interested to hear what others think and I'd especially like to hear from newcomers. I remember when I first started doing cryptic crosswords and joined this Forum, it was weeks before I plucked up the courage to post on a thread.
So don't be shy, if you need a hint or would just like to leave a comment, please do. I promise you that we're a friendly bunch.