Thanks everyone for your comments, I really enjoy reading them and appreciate the time you take to write them. I always find it interesting how people can have such differing views on the same crossword.
While giving this week's puzzle one last look over ,(I'm still hopeful of finding the elusive 'Nina') I did notice that if you count down the first three letters of 15d, then go across 2 letters west, it spells out POLYP.
No doubt this is a coincidence, but it did remind me of a clue in Everyman 3,803:-
11a Norwegian with complaint: menu lacking cover (5) - IBSEN
I hadn't realised that IBS is an accepted abbreviation for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Like I said, in all probability, this is likely just a coincidence, and I don't even know if polyps and IBS are connected, but, coupled
with the often clever little rhymes and such, as in this week's 1a and 29a I can't help wondering if this setter has a very distinct sense of humour.
Coincidence or not, from now on I'll be on the lookout for any 'buried little treasures' this setter might have hidden in future Everymans.