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7th October 2019, 14:49
Aha! Just got the shaded solutions! I was working along the lines that it describes when entering my solutions.
11 of 22  -   Report This Post


7th October 2019, 14:57
Good, simond9x! You've maybe still got a lot of fiddling around to do, but it's very satisfying.
12 of 22  -   Report This Post


7th October 2019, 15:19
Grid almost filled but can't quite complete it because I haven't solved 13a, 32a or 27d. So gentle hints (NOT answers) please so I can put this excellent puzzle to bed. Thanks
13 of 22  -   Report This Post


7th October 2019, 15:31
I'm not at home, so haven't got the puzzle in front of me. If you list a clue or two, I'll see if I can come up with hints.
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7th October 2019, 15:36

13 Pairs from here left near one of Saturn's moons (6)
32 CBS anchor no longer on the air, preferably (6)
27 Fist-pumping cry for you that's satisfying (4)

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7th October 2019, 15:37
just got 32
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7th October 2019, 15:39
and 27
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7th October 2019, 15:42
13 'pairs' refers to letters in the clue.
27 Took me ages. 'you' gives half the answer, 'that's satisfying' the other. I don't see it as a 'fist-pumping cry', just an exclamation.
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7th October 2019, 16:02
Thanks. All done now. Agree, a very good puzzle.
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7th October 2019, 16:24
Great fun - thank you Syz!
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