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3rd October 2019, 09:26
86 Incentive for shopping….

Having trawled through all the posts on this site and the 'other' one I have yet to see a definitive answer. Never had a proper answer to my previous post.

payoff , payout , buyoff, carrot , bounty , rebate , parole , reward , pardon all have pluses but none seem to fit exactly. My personal favourite is Pardon, but still not convinced.

Any other suggestions please.
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3rd October 2019, 14:02
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3rd October 2019, 14:27
There isn't enough in the clue to arrive at a definitive answer, so several of the suggestions are possible, but none are convincing. If anyone has a better idea there seem to be a few of us who would like a hint.
Thanks. in advance for any help.
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3rd October 2019, 15:09
Coupon fits nicely with the clue as it stands. However I can find no connection re the Law. So I'm afraid it probably isn't the answer.
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3rd October 2019, 15:16
motive ?
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3rd October 2019, 16:08
Again motive looks good, but has already occurred as an answer elsewhere in the quiz.
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3rd October 2019, 16:13
Reward ?

If you `shop` someone you might get one!
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3rd October 2019, 16:34
Special (as in Special Offer/Special Policeman)?
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3rd October 2019, 16:55
Nemo, it wasn't mentioned in this thread, but the answer is given in the quiz as six-letters.
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3rd October 2019, 17:05
Thanks malone. I was not aware of that so am just throwing out random possibilities as there seems to be an impasse. I did suspect a six figure target as all the examples given were in that format but "nobody told me, Sir".
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