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25th September 2019, 13:04
39 down subsong
44a mineral spring..... the cell
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25th September 2019, 13:14
Thankyou (×n!) xwordfan. I'd even ploughed through all the subs in Chambers and missed it, tried miner and missed that too. Doh!
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25th September 2019, 17:59
I am finding this so tough that I am not even sure what questions to ask that might unlock it for me. So here goes and if providing hints is too revealing without spoiling it for other solvers, I will put the crossword aside until the answers are published.
Which squares have clashes? I think 10,14.19, the intersection of 39d and 44a, perhaps 31 and 17. So I assume that there are 5 others.
I assume that the letters in the clashing cells contribute to pieces of work by a famous composer. I have no idea about these, so generous hints will be welcome.
Might 1a be "above". If so, why? If not, a hint is welcome.
A big hint for 36d might help me to get restarted.
It certainly looks as though Schadenfreude's farewell listener is a classic.
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25th September 2019, 19:10
Don't be concerned about submitting, Catkin as answers are fairly freely offered here. Your clashes are correct and the others can be found at 1,5,22,36 and the intersection of 28 and 43. Of course, you'll be joining the clashes together to form works by a Northern European composer. Try googling the ones you've already got and that should get the composer and help with the others.The def for 36 is white goods and fellow denotes one of its two usual crossword answers.
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26th September 2019, 08:49
Many thanks, Caphrist. That will be enough to get me started again.
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26th September 2019, 13:03
Could someone put me out of my misery for the parsing of 3d? Assuming it's a double def, no solid idea though...

Everything else done, absolutely magnificent puzzle otherwise.
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26th September 2019, 13:51
3d grandchild in Scottish is oy or oye. Therefore 'oyes'' cry for attention.
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26th September 2019, 14:36
Bah, I was looking for oye to no avail but comes straight up as oy, should have delved deeper but the brain was tired.

Thank you!
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27th September 2019, 14:16
Clashing letters at the intersection of 28d and 43a seem to me to lead to two possible thematic items, numbered one apart. Have I misconstrued something? Or how do I choose which to replace them with?
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27th September 2019, 23:11
Mooncow - look at wintonian's post (number 7 in the thread) along with eg the Wiki list of relevant works
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