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22nd September 2019, 16:09
for 8a you need a four-letter word for 'ardent' followed by a two-letter abbreviation. This gives three letters in cell 10. 10d is an eight-letter word for 'common'.
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22nd September 2019, 16:53
A fine puzzle, all done apart from two I cannot fully parse:

10dn - first word is definition, then 'each' = 'every', but how does the rest work?
31dn - last two words ae definition, 'badger up' = 'gan', but what's the large bird?
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22nd September 2019, 16:58
rukh is another name for the roc (large bird)
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22nd September 2019, 17:01
10d. each year = ea + y, awfully = very & deserted =d.
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22nd September 2019, 17:50
Thank you both. These things are always obvious when they're explained but not before.
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22nd September 2019, 19:47
A couple of other things. Surely 2dn is to the west of Austria. And is there some hidden significance to 'stuff' in the title?
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22nd September 2019, 20:48
Looks N of Austria to me:,+Germany/@48.8956655,9.1653288,7z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x479f044c0fdf53a9:0x11d25a409387960!8m2!3d48.7904472!4d11.4978895
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23rd September 2019, 19:54
Lovely puzzle from a first-rate setter ….and my second favourite composer!
If any of you haven't tried him, I'd highly recommend as a way in the 1st, 2nd and 5th symphonies but as with a lot of classical music, three or four hearings might be needed before with luck, you'll be rewarded with life-enhancing, glorious melodies.
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24th September 2019, 05:22
ionacarr, I think the title has the purported meaning 'JEAN is (a type of) material'. I love the composer too, saw an interesting performance of the violin concerto last month.
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25th September 2019, 12:59
Oh so near, yet so far. Have the 11 letters, 10 of the themed items and have ground to a halt on the last corner (39D + 44A). Have all possible letters, know that if everything else is right the intersection contains the 11th and, that's it. Stuck. Looked through the remaining possibilities among the works too. So any assistance/guidance most gratefully received.
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