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2nd September 2019, 12:28
Due south from there to the next E, tonynannini (looks like you stopped 1 move too soon).
51 of 57  -   Report This Post


2nd September 2019, 12:32
...the destination isn't a waymark - you've stopped having satisfied the 20 of them that make up the anagram.
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2nd September 2019, 12:33
Thank you. That's 24 hours of my life that I won't get back.
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2nd September 2019, 19:02
I'm coming very late to this one, so I'm lagging badly. However I have a complete grid ... and that's it. (I have the message.) I can't locate any 8-letter prison anywhere. The two obvious ones (the pelican one and the 14/7 one) aren't there. The hints already offered (real, but semi-fictional) leave me as confused as I was before. Now that all you clever types have finished, would someone give a gentle hint (aka a massive shove)?
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2nd September 2019, 19:13
Cockie, I can't remember the earlier prison hints. Look for the proper name of the infamous one - it's similar to Prison 123 (ie a word and then some numbers). It's towards the top of the grid...
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2nd September 2019, 19:27
thanks, malone. I had never come across its Sunday name.
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2nd September 2019, 19:31
Cockle, glad I could help.
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