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18th August 2019, 01:58
This week's offering is much the same as as last week so I'll keep this short.

6d, however, took me as long to solve as all the rest of the clues combined. The crossing letters meant that there were only two words it could be, none of which seemed to fit with any definition I could see. The wordplay, however, narrowed it down to one, but I just couldn't parse the last three letters. When I eventually did and the penny finally dropped though, I can't say I was overly impressed.

These things are always subjective though, so let me know what you think. I know some people love these sort of clues.
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18th August 2019, 08:25
Not bad this week but not awesome either. I thought some of the clues were a bit 29ac!

6d and 21d are both instances of the keyword and parsing being wrapped up together. It makes for a clever clue but always slows me down.

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18th August 2019, 08:38
14d brought to mind the late, lamented Miles Kington, whom older forum members may well remember.
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18th August 2019, 09:37
Hi Brendan
I actually thought 6D was genius when I finally grasped it (took a while!). Any help parsing 21D would be much appreciated -- I just can't see how 'affected' fits with the answer. Cheers.
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18th August 2019, 09:43
Sorry. Scrap that. Got it now!
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18th August 2019, 09:58
I’m still left with 21d and 23a:
21d Affected, Vacuous tidings? (6) ???E?S
23a Twist its limb to subdue rook (5) ??I?G I assume that it’s con/rook but how can I parse the last two letters as limb?
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18th August 2019, 10:14
21d The affected vacuous tidings used by Trump
33a def. is twist (clothes eg)

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18th August 2019, 10:17
I agree with Phil10000 and also liked the clever 6d and 21d
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18th August 2019, 10:33
I thought 6d and 21d were well constructed. I would class them as '&Lit'.

Cymro - the 'limb' part of the clue is actually a modified limb with feathers
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18th August 2019, 10:47
Thank you, Jazzgirl and cerasus. I feel more with it now after a coffee!
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