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5th August 2010, 11:41
Puzzler - 19d is a clue with a cryptic indication omitted.It's an anagram with the extra letter and the definition is "sounds agreeable"
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5th August 2010, 11:42
Any hints for 32d and 35d please?
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5th August 2010, 12:05
With reference to the 9 clues with omissions - i have 34, 25, 21, 24, 3,19 ,29 with letters missing in the clues but am unsure of the others? (Am I correct with these so far?)
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5th August 2010, 12:35
I have the "9" in a highlighted str line from clues 3,34,24,25,35,32,36,19,29
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5th August 2010, 12:45
jane5 - 35d is one of the "9" clues . "wrong" in the clue indicates an anagram. Force is the definition.
32d is also one of the "9". I have the answer (Greek is the definition),but can't fully explain it. Perhaps someone else can help here please.
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5th August 2010, 12:55
For 32 d, Sudokulover - hi btw - The 2nd letter is the superfluous part; the first and last are the centre letters of circle (as given), and the 3rd, 4th and 5th are the first three letters of a 4-letter word meaning "chief"
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5th August 2010, 12:59
Thanks AJT - obvious when you explain it. I had the answer but couldn't see where the "r" and the "c" came in.
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daniel angel

5th August 2010, 15:32

I have finished it but I just wanted to check one answer:

12 ac- I won't say what i have as don't want to ruin it for others

Can someone give me a hint as to their answer so I can check

Mine begins with e


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5th August 2010, 15:52
I have "s" inside a word for team (6 letter word , then miss off the last 3 letters (half a team)) Extra is the definition
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5th August 2010, 15:53
Yes, it does begin with e. With an "i" is two different places, yu could make two girls' names of it. Helped you?
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