Well this is definitely a mixed bag of a crossword. On the the one hand there are some very easy write ins, but then there's a few which, to be honest, still have me confused.
1a is a prime example - assuming I've got it correct! As far as I can see it's just a person's name that's connected to flying ("I wish I could fly") and, obviously, Orville - but why is that cryptic, and why 'declare' "I wish I could fly"?
Also 12a Europe to show disapproval of amount of data needed for downloaded literature. (1-4) - Again, the answer is clear, with the "K" derived from 'amount of data' but I've only ever seen data expressed as in terms of bytes, as in Kb, Mb or Gb etc, never just 'K' on it's own.
As for 2d, I have the answer (I think!) but can't see what the definition is supposed to be.
I think 16d might cause some problems also, with the word "entertainer" possibly being a deliberate misdirection?
Credit where credit's due, though - there are some excellent clues and it was good to be reminded of a T Rex classic by 26a, and I think 9d is as good a clue as I've seen in a long time.
All that said, I know for the last few crosswords I've been somewhat out of step with the general consensus of opinion, so I'll be very interested to hear the views of others.