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17th July 2019, 17:38
Mooncow... Bradford’s is like a thesaurus combined with a crossword dictionary (lists). It differs from a thesaurus in that it includes some fairly obscure words. And as Malone notes, compiles all sorts of possibilities. Avoid the pocket version which doesn’t really cut it. I believe there’s a new edition coming out later this year so might be worth holding out for that. It’s an essential Listener aid in my view and is always there alongside my BRB. It too is red so we could call it the LRB :-)
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18th July 2019, 10:54
This is an extensive thread with many of the 'big names' contributing. I am sure that some are setters so please accept a general comment.
I really enjoy the Listener and my wife approves (it keeps me quiet, is a cheap hobby and there is no mess to clear up afterwards). I recognise that I will always struggle and am grateful to those who contribute to this thread. Turast has been particularly helpful this time round.
I managed to complete the grid but would never have been able to identify the full set of coded words, I do wish that Sabre had made these clues amongst the easiest. 18 down and 22 down were the most difficult in the whole puzzle and I'm still not able to parse 18 despite all the help,
I do like getting to the endgame and then, if stuck, coming to this thread so particular thanks to Malone and Ginge who always assist. So setters try and keep the fourth division in play for at least a while.
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18th July 2019, 11:57
Hi again williamseal, acknowledgement appreciated.
18d. Kam (or Kamme) is a Shakespearean word meaning awry (in Chambers) + ela(nce) coded from shirts.
Undoubtedly your solving ability will improve just by continuing to enjoy Listener and people in here, malone among others, are keen to assist solvers like yourself who have made the effort but need a nudge or two to both complete and appreciate the puzzles.
In case you're not already aware of the site "Listen with others" has blogs (roughly updated in line with "Listener solutions") which you may find worth a look.
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18th July 2019, 12:05
Williamseal, thanks for the thanks - but I'm only a part-time helper! There are many other regular Listenerers (a word I've just made up) who provide invaluable help on a regular basis.

Ginge, I don't really like the Kamela clue - but not because of your parsing. I don't think 'in play' is enough of an indicator to Shakespeare, it just seems a little woolly!
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18th July 2019, 12:16
Hi malone, we all have "quibbles" with some clues but here I don't think it's all that different from "bard's" or "poet's" sometimes referring to the dreaded Mr Spencer rather than "Ed's" which we accept through regular usage and who's to say in a few years ...
Subjective, I accept.
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18th July 2019, 13:13
Thanks for that, ginge. 'Bard's' or 'Poet's' seems slightly fairer than just 'in play' - far less vague for a start! Mind you, I recoil from all Spencer clues and many 'bard' clues.
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15th August 2019, 01:03
Thanks all — I’ll look into a Bradford’s. My BRB is actually a little red app, and I do my listener with phone in hand: anyone know if Bradford’s has made the technology leap that Chambers made quite while back?
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16th August 2019, 10:23

You can download Bradford under Kindle. It’s very handy!
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17th August 2019, 22:10
Sorry, Mooncow: “download” is not perhaps the most appropriate word. You can buy the Bradford book on Kindle, in the same way that you can buy other books.
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