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8th July 2019, 23:29
Still no reply from The Herald. I agree The Wee Stinker is an institution and having done it for many years couldn't wait for Monday morning to get started. Sometimes you could spend 2 days trying to finish it and it certainly kept the brain active.
The crossword forum was used as a last resort and only hopefully to get a hint of what direction to look.
I never agreed with people simply giving answers as that defeats the purpose. If someone really can't finish it then by all means seek the answer on the forum but wait till after final posting day.
I am disappointed the way it has gone but obviously Myops has either lost interest or has deliberately made it easier to encourage sales. Unfortunately I think it will have the opposite effect Aah! Life sucks!!!!
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9th July 2019, 09:04
I agree with every word. A shame!
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10th July 2019, 13:07
I have previously complained to the Marketing Department at the Herald on an other matter I received no replies from emails or messages left on answer machines. I sent a email to the editor at and received a instant reply, and action. You may want to try tis email address.
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10th July 2019, 15:30
I, too, have been doing the Wee Stinker for many years. My first T-shirt, therefore, has the word "Glasgow" before "Herald" emblazoned on it. Unfortunately, my dear wife decided to put it in the wash along with a purple dress of hers. The T-shirt came out a lovely shade of lavender. I related this sad tale to a work colleague whose husband I knew was another Stinker devotee, having won a couple of shirts at that time. The next day she presented me with a pristine shirt from her (now late) husband. What a kind man. I never met him but, like me, he had been offered money for a T-shirt. His reply was that they were not for sale. They had to be earned. (I agreed with the sentiment at the time but have since become less precious and have given a T-shirt, gratis, to someone who had previously offered me £50 for one. The main reason I still enter is because it annoys him if he sees my name in the list of winners).

Like many, I lament the move from a Monday to a Saturday. I have also found the crossword less challenging recently (as have many, presumably, looking at the reduction of help requests on this forum. Perhaps the previously mentioned website with all the answers has contributed to that reduction too).

I am, however, sceptical about the conspiracy theory that Myops is capitulating to a diktat to dumb down the crossword. Maybe he isn't trying as hard as before, possibly coasting towards retirement or, perhaps, his best work is behind him (i.e. like all of us he's getting older. Would you rather to listen to Paul McCartney's last album or his classic Beatles work?)

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10th July 2019, 15:52
I don't do the Wee Stinker, but grew up with aunts who did - and loved the challenge. I've enjoyed reading the comments here.

Has the puzzle been set by the same setter for a long period of time? I feel that can be a mixed blessing - solvers can appreciate the style and skill, but if the setter is below par for any reason, it's the solvers who suffer. I used to really enjoy puzzles set by one of the Spectator's crossword team, but that setter is no longer as interesting or as much of a challenge as he was. The Spectator has a team of setters, so it's not a weekly problem - thank goodness! I don't normally do Everyman, but I know many regular solvers felt bitterly disappointed when the usual setter, who was outstanding, retired or stopped setting puzzles for reasons of his own. There, the Observer seemed to try various replacements - the first few were dire, I believe.
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10th July 2019, 16:19
Hi, Malone. I don't know Myops' birthday but, according to an article in the Herald, on the 22nd March last year he was aged 78 and had, at that time, been compiling the Wee Stinker for 38 years. I can't believe it's been that long. There has been no other compiler.
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10th July 2019, 16:25
Thanks, Skyewalker. What a wonderful record for Myops, that's some achievement. Still, it would have been good if he'd had an accomplice or an apprentice, so that Myops' good work could continue when he is no longer around.
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12th July 2019, 08:24
I took mmairm's advice and wrote to complaints@the two days ago. No response!
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13th July 2019, 11:18
That's just bad manners. The least they could do is acknowledge your email.
Unfortunately another 15 minute puzzle today
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