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23rd June 2019, 03:32
A good one today I thought. Challenging for me but lots of fun. Interested to see what others think.
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23rd June 2019, 06:47
Not bad overall (4A and 21A are very clever), but if I've parsed 2D correctly (and I can't see any other way to do it), that's a dog of a clue -- jumbling up a vague synonym for part of the answer is not exactly fair, imo.
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23rd June 2019, 06:53
Yes it took me a while to figure out 2D but once I had I thought it was fair although 1 step removed.
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23rd June 2019, 07:09
I'm just minded that you should always be able to work out any clue with no letters in place. That would be virtually impossible with 2D as the seemingly obvious starting point for parsing (the misleading anagram) sets you off down a blind alley. Anyway ... quick one this week, so time to mow the lawn. Cheers.
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23rd June 2019, 07:57
I have to admit I found this quite a slog.

8d Make a further assessment of High Street (4)

I've got the answer and, if I've parsed it correctly, the ST comes from "street" and the remainder from a four letter word meaning "high" as in 'ripe' - but does this word have an accent over the first E? (I can't seem to figure out how to write accents using my keyboard)
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23rd June 2019, 08:00
Hi Brendan, isn’t it just a straight anagram - 6 letters?
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23rd June 2019, 08:01
PS Also, I've got the answer to

15a "I'll get my revenge", as one international lawyer said to another (4,5,3) but have no idea as to the parsing.
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23rd June 2019, 08:02
OMG, thanks Matador. I completely managed to miss the obvious (not for the first time).
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23rd June 2019, 08:04
Me too. Hope someone can enlighten us.
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23rd June 2019, 08:15
Re 15A: simply what one diplomat would say to another at a summit when all other options have been exhausted. And it also happens to mean 'I'll get you back for that, you so and so.'
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