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22nd June 2019, 17:59
...and sorry for being pedantic williamseal, but it's 'head' not heads.
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22nd June 2019, 19:22
thanks drxx - all clear now
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22nd June 2019, 21:54
This week’s crossword was indeed a gentler offering. After about a year now of solving the Listener (every week so far!) I rather enjoy the easier ones. Not only does it mean that other tasks get done, but gives me the challenge of trying to solve with minimal reference to books, and without looking on this thread until I’ve finished.

That’s pretty much what I’ve achieved this week. Except I’m still having issues with 3d. I understand the wordplay but really can’t see how ‘Are weeping’ defines it.
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23rd June 2019, 00:12
ginge - many thanks indeed - though I still can't fully parse the clue, and have no clue as to what lettun means...not in my BRB...
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23rd June 2019, 00:14, I have a U from 2 down, not an E....
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23rd June 2019, 00:48
You need to swap your U and your E - ‘buggy’ is a (slightly dodgy in my view) anagramising word.

Merenz - I agree on 3d. This was my last clue and took me a while to get comfortable with it. In the end I was just about happy that the answer could replace ‘are weeping’ e.g. in the sentence ‘The children are weeping’.

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23rd June 2019, 09:37
I have been reflecting on why this one seemed so easy. Admittedly there were more than the usual number of easy clues but many were quite difficult to parse.
It seemed easy because there were no devices (clashes, jumbles, extra letters etc) to stop the use of on line word search tools. So once you get going you simply search for words that fit.
The Listener is one of those puzzles where it seem acceptable to use these tools. I would never allow myself to use them to complete the Times crossword for example.
Perhaps those that complain it is too easy should start by attempting the puzzle without the use of electronic aids. It would certainly make a bigger hole in their weekend.
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23rd June 2019, 09:58
Many thanks smellyharry. That helps. And I too now feel just about comfortable with it
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23rd June 2019, 10:35
Hi smithsax, quite an assumption those who "complained" use/used electronic aids !
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23rd June 2019, 10:39
Hi again andcharall,
the crosser with 2d is "u"; lutten given under let in Chambers. Apologies if you haven't seen * indicating an anagram before.
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