Cow fattened for Scots trading place (5)
Run hospital unit (4) hone?
I distribute in accord with theory (5) ideal ?
Malay dagger takes agent back to 17th C doctrine (7) kris in it somewhere ?
Thanks for the pointers.
I always enjoy the alphabetical crosswords. For me to finish by the pm on Saturday I think it must count as one of the more straightforward inquisitors ( did need google for some of the more obscure definitions)
I've completed the grid and found the speaker but this stated preference of his is apparently so famous that I cannot find it anywhere on the internet or in quotation books. (I have read the earlier postings here.)
It would help if I could find the second letter to correct (I've already changed an E to an O.
Orson, I didn't find a form of the quote where he said he 'preferred' something. In the quote I found he said "The bxxxxt is stronger than the bxxxxt."
I see now, thanks to all. It is actually a misquotation, which is why it doesn't appear under the speaker in reference books. Also, he stated what was necessary, not what he preferred.