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4th May 2019, 15:35
Help please with one elusive clue:
Tucked in label at regular intervals (3)
I have A?E but unsure if this is correct
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4th May 2019, 15:44
That's what I have - the usual 'at regular intervals' stuff, and then a letter not in the wordplay. 'Tucked in' is the definition.
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4th May 2019, 15:58
Thank you. I’m off my food Malone...still trying to find the vertical 9 letters...
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4th May 2019, 16:01
Glad I could help, Jogamel.
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4th May 2019, 16:30
All I can find is the first two words in the 13 letter down answer (5down). Can't yet see what this has to do with the included entry. Time to go and find something else to do for a while!
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4th May 2019, 16:36
Sloth, you're on the right track. The unclued entry was very helpful, as was some specific wording in the preamble.
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4th May 2019, 17:07
Thanks all,
I presume we can use an approximation of the thematic colour? My old felt-tips are pretty basic!
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4th May 2019, 17:10
How do these parse please?
Reptiles and aquatic mammals each softly taking four steps forward. Reptiles is the defn and i assume otters are the aquatic mammals ?

Implement generating small piece of grass in grammes
I have a kitchen utensil as the answer?

Journalists define Serpent with 5 points
journalists is the defn... serpent could be S? with could be W + 5 compass points? (no wordplay omission?)

I am missing 2 E's and an A from the 13 omitted (that's if my interpretation is ok)
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4th May 2019, 17:17
Scarlet, the Reptiles clue was clever. It's not Otters. The 'four steps' is alphabetical... moving ? to ? gives reptiles rather than aquatic mammals. 'Each softly taking four steps...' shows what letter your moving, 'softly' being...

Journalists... Serpent is Me, inside 5 points.

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4th May 2019, 17:18
Tortoises= Porpoises with each 'p' moved on by 4 steps

rat (=grass) +e (extra letter) in 'gr'

Me in n,e,w,s and n i.e. 5 points

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