Welcome to our weekly competition to compose a cryptic clue, to be judged by your fellow contestants.
You may enter as many clues as you like and everyone is welcome. Feel free to explain your clue if you think it will help, or to ask another setter to parse a clue if you are unsure about it.
Entrants should vote for their favourite clue. Please include the post number but please refrain from commenting on entries until voting has begun.
Clues should be posted by 1:00pm BST on Friday, 3rd May 2019, at which time voting will begin.
Voting closes at 10:00pm that evening but may be extended at the judge's discretion - e.g. if a tie is looming with votes uncast.
The entry with the most votes wins and its composer sets next week's competition.
The setter has the deciding vote in the event of a tie and may change the rules if necessary.
The setter will declare the winner and award online prize/s.
This week there will be three levels of prizes, Bronze, Silver and Gold.
This week's solution to be clued is:
Have fun and good luck!