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26th April 2019, 19:29
With all the votes in the final score is

KT17 has 3
Sw has 2
rossim has 2
tyke has 2
geevo has 2
ginge has 2

Well done KT 17 for “Busy CIA unit in frequent contact “

Here is your prize. A bit of stargazing

and something to hear

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26th April 2019, 19:33
Well done kt17. Thanks Jws for hosting this week.
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26th April 2019, 19:51
Thank you very much - what a nice way to start the weekend.

JWS thank you very much for the prize - I'm writing this from under the stairs with a tin foil hat on.

I thought it was quite a tough word to clue - not many first grade synonyms/definitions - other setters understandably used some licence in some delicious clues - which, as my name is up for joining the PU I did not vote for.

Thank you Ginge, Aristophanes and Tyke for your votes, and others for mentions.

Next week we will be back down to earth, I promise.

Have a great weekend all!
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26th April 2019, 19:59
Well done kt17, cheers jws and very many thanks to paul & BBM2 for your votes.
I didn't want to influence others prior to voting but unless I'm mistaken or missing something, does geevo's cat in communion @ 5 not miss an "i" ? If so, I'm not criticising (it's very easily done) I'm just looking for clarification.
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26th April 2019, 21:01
Nice one, KT! Cheers, JWS. (I don't deserve a second place mention, by the way, as my votes received were for 2 different clues.... and, yes, you've flushed me out. Our people have been observing your planet for millenia, contemplating contact. For pity's sake, DON'T take me to your leader - ANY of them!).

Many thanks to Rossim and Nemo for the votes, and to Ginge, Paul and Fiery for the mentions.

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26th April 2019, 21:15
Well done Kt17 and thanks JWS for hosting.

Ginge you're correct about the missing I in post 5.

Thank you for your votes SW and Spike and for the mentions BBM2 and Ginge (what a difference a hyphen might have made!).
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26th April 2019, 21:24
Ginge, if I may say I thought the absence of a hyphen in Rossim's clue was very clever.

'Chit-chat' would not have been a cryptic clue, it would have belonged in the Metro Quick.

'Chit Chat' was IMHO a clever riff on the lack of a hyphen and brilliantly cryptic.

I would have voted for it but I was worried about Chit as a definition of COMMUNICATION (even with a question mark.)

Yes a chit communicates information, but that does not make a chit a communication..

My Neapolitan Mastiff communicates when she scratches the door but she could not be defined as a 'communication'.
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26th April 2019, 21:33
Apologies, my previous remark should have been to Skyewalker not Ginge - sorry all.
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26th April 2019, 22:17
Actually, I did not accidentally miss out an i in my clue. I put 'Felix '
instead of ,say, "moggy' to indicate 1unique cat. Sorry if the idea did not work.

Anyway, here's Felix
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26th April 2019, 22:19
Hi, kt17. I'll see your Neapolitan Mastiff and raise you by a Golden Retriever!

I only mentioned the hyphen because Ginge @24 had cast doubts about its absence. I saw a chit as being similar to a letter, being a form of communication.
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