I'm obviously being dim, I can see words on what I am assuming to be the west face but poetry is not my long suit and I can't find a quote to go with them. Are we meant be assuming that we are standing looking at the thing and reading right to left?
I am struggling with the poem etc. as well. However, still can’t see 21a It can only be one of three words, but the clue is opaque to me. Any hint would be much much appreciated
I think I have found it, orient the structure as though you are looking up at the west face, start at the very top block and read left to right down the layers. I haven't got the poem yet but I think I'm on my way.
Too much of a GWIT for me. In any case, how can a structure that tapers be represented in a square grid, unless the point of view is from the air? Which it clearly isn't.
The only redundant word that baffled me at first was in 2dn. It must surely be 'visible', but I started with 'Morecambe's'. How does that fit into the definition?
Saoralba, to both queries : for 2d look at def of answer in Chambers, and the 3d issue is solved by the meaning of the extra words (clumsily, but it makes sense eventually)
I've found the title, it seems my red herring of post #24 was not quite so red after all. I can't seem to locate the author though, if anyone is able to give me a hint or nudge, that would be appreciated. Ta