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31st March 2019, 13:46
Hi prosperous! If you don't mind could you please just give me the answers to all of those? Today's Everyman giving me a migraine!!! Thanks so much and bravo for completing!
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31st March 2019, 14:00
Don't think it's the custom of this site to give answers - you could try theanswerbank - but if it helps: 9 - wordplay, "even" gives you first 4 letters, "the old" the last 2 - the def is something hippies were supposed to do.
24 - the whole clue is the def, in particular "host". Wordplay is word for skill and centre of bigot in a word for dignity.
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31st March 2019, 16:49
Thanks for your help. This crossword puzzle had driven me bonkers today!!!!
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