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25th March 2019, 15:30
Thanks for the explanation, which just about makes the clue a fair one, but unnecessarily contorted compared with the clarity of the others.
11 of 30  -   Report This Post


25th March 2019, 15:32
It could well be wrong, IonaCarr - but it's all I could come up with!
12 of 30  -   Report This Post


25th March 2019, 15:59
I prefer your idea to mine malone - I went for 'expanse' = sea = ARA(L)?
13 of 30  -   Report This Post


25th March 2019, 16:03
Drxx, your idea seems as valid as mine - if not more so! I suppose it doesn't actually matter. Some people like to have everything rounded off, sorted out, explained … I'm not in that group!
14 of 30  -   Report This Post


25th March 2019, 16:12
I am - but it's unlikely we'll ever find out for sure (setters don't seem to like explaining their slightly dodgy clues to us) so you've probably got the right idea there too!
15 of 30  -   Report This Post


25th March 2019, 16:30
My attitude to solving is a ….mixture of casualness and arrogance, I think!
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25th March 2019, 18:01
I'm struggling with the perimeter, so help with my two last clues would be nice.
28a Old logs, note among middle of fresh. (4) Looks like reNs but no idea why.
32d Dungs from rears of impala and deer say. (4). I have ?RE?
I think I know the two misprints in these but still can't finish.
17 of 30  -   Report This Post


25th March 2019, 18:27
28a. Rens is an old form of runs, jogs from logs.
32d. Areg (impal)a + (dee)r + eg, dunes from dungs.
18 of 30  -   Report This Post


25th March 2019, 23:47
An entertaining puzzle with a high quotient of obscure vocab but I really can't be bothered to mail it in on the offchance of receiving 5 ounces of Swiss milk chocolate .......
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26th March 2019, 06:13
Gerba, I've often wondered if the Inquisitor prize is going to end up being a 50 pence bar of Dairy Milk! I won the pink champagne, years ago...then the Prosecco. I was delighted with the Hotel Chocolat boxes … now replaced by the less-than-lavish Lindt chocolate. I know we're not in it for the prizes - the thrill of finishing a tough puzzle is more rewarding.
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