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24th March 2019, 15:36
Can someone please explain how 6d works, thanks.
One has terms for all floating sea material found on beach(4)
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24th March 2019, 15:56
'one' is A + the ('terms') last letters of the follwing words.
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24th March 2019, 16:21
Thanks drxx
Those "terms" grrrr!!
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24th March 2019, 17:44
Unusually for me I have this nearly all solved, I have the central unclued answer and the quote, and most of the perimeter. Would appreciate vague hints (!) for:

2d Origin of incredible tall bird soaring. I have ??AR and think there is an E misprint.

4d is making me feel very stupid. Rule by Communist brought about a source of tension ?R?TED. Might have a D misprint.

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24th March 2019, 17:49
You are right about both misprints - turn up a 4 letter bird for the first and 'by' is a single letter for the second.
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24th March 2019, 17:50
Thanks drxx
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