I thought I had finally finished this crossword. However I have just discovered that I have only two across hungover imposters when the preamble specifies that there are three. Has anyone else had the same quandary?
I thought this was pretty good, found it easier to keep tack of than some seemingly did, only lose end for me is 8d. I think it’s a type 1 and if so the wordplay gives bas? Is that right and if so why?
Ah of course, supped plenty of it in my time, thematic as well.
Overall very good I’d say. Loads of thematic stuff in the clues, a subject close to my heart, no tricky end game stare, the phrase and object became clear about half way through.
All done apart from identifying the three hangover across clues and the maxim. In clue order, the letters I have are PNRVIESSNOTIAIVD. I is the only letter which occurs three times, so I have tried ignoring these, but to no avail. Would somebody be kind enough to tell me whether I have the correct letters?