All the votes are now in and the final position is as follows.
Mattrom@23, aristo@11, geevo41@5, rossim@30, spike2@22 and chrise@15 each have one vote
Paul@20 has 2 votes
Mattrom@26 and hannah@38, each with 3 votes, are tied in the lead, so it's down to me to decide.
It's hard to separate the 2. I really like the idea behind Hannah's clue, but I'm twitchy both about the use of "commander" for the abstraction bit of the anagram and "force" as the anagrind. I'm therefore going with mattrom@26:
Lump left in pastry
So, congratulations (again) to mattrom.
The prize is something that appeared like magic on my Facebook feed (and mercifully, nothing to do with piles), which I really liked. I hope you do too:
Many thanks to all for taking part. It was a great response and I enjoyed hosting it.