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17th February 2019, 19:28
Thanks, Brendan. There's been a fair bit of grumbling - every week - on fifteensquared. I thought last week's puzzle was shoddier than this.

That was interesting about the numbers stuff - the more people involved, the lower the chance of something being reported. I'd definitely contact the editor if it was one of my regular, favourite puzzles.
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17th February 2019, 19:41
Hi Brendan,
I have taken your words on board and complained to the crossword editor. Something needs to change - I think a number of people will stop taking the Observer as this crossword is something of a tradition.
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17th February 2019, 20:00
Hi Jertax, then i shall do the same. That said, I'm not sure if I should contact the Guardian or the Observer. Either way, I can't see a specific address for a crossword editor, so I shall just address it FAO and send it to the editor.
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17th February 2019, 21:27
Try this, Brendan

I think that perhaps we should contact The Observer about the Everyman?

From the above link, I found this email address
Letters to the editor:

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17th February 2019, 21:39
Thanks Elle, I will use that address. I had checked all The Guardian editorial departments and desks and there seems to be every section, business, education, environment, books, film, law etc. - basically everything except crosswords! The Observer list is somewhat smaller, but again, no crossword desk so, like I said, I'll use the address you've given and contact the editor.
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19th February 2019, 09:23
1d. Roughly around one, easiest for me

13a. Most of haggis cooked as dinner, English put out
Anag. AS DINNER with E removed - what parts of the animal are used in haggis?

7d. Blasphemous in its origin, Brit’s exclamation of surprise
B followed by the US slang for a Brit.
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19th February 2019, 09:30
Sorry - can't get used to being logged out every time I close the browwser!
When I'm logged out, the earliest post appears first.
When I'm logged in, it's the latest post.
My previous reply was to the first post, and it has had several excellent replies; please ignore mine.
(Goes away to find rock to hide under!)
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