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5th February 2019, 09:32
Thanks Malone, thought had messed up somewhere, see the word now. Many thanks
21 of 55  -   Report This Post


5th February 2019, 09:37
Glad I could help, Bubber. I had a quick look at my now rather tatty grid and couldn't where the letters you gave might eb!
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5th February 2019, 09:39
Realise error now, had orientation wrong. (Not my strong point.) Saw the correct word too but disregarded it.
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5th February 2019, 10:25
I have only 10 of the letters that go towards the name for the top box. I know I need two Ns but I only have one.

I also have 10 rather than 9 missing letters, but none of them can be converted into the required N.

Am I the only one thinking that identifying the route is a bit much to ask? My starting point would be an F, with the next logical point being an R ... yet there's an S which is certainly a missing letter in the opposite quadrant of the grid.

It's all just over-egged, IMO.
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5th February 2019, 10:47
I agree Ionacarr, it is over-egged, but you can identify the route because the 9 missing letters in route order spell out its name. There is no S.

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5th February 2019, 11:13
Thank you kobnut. That didn't occur to me at all! I see now that I was wrong to think that 'in no way' indicated 'not'. But it doesn't give me the extra N that I need.
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5th February 2019, 11:38
ionacarr - You were looking for both Ns earlier - I hope the one you've found doesn't come from the 'patent medicine' (reading 'no' as zero=0) because this is a straight clue.

One of the two Ns is a bit of a cheat - 'an' is a word in the clue itself (and it would work as a straight clue) the 'n' is dropped.
The other has the anagram indicator 'in' = 'drunk' and the 'n' is additional to the anagram.
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5th February 2019, 11:40
sorry ionacarr - I misread your post.
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5th February 2019, 12:18
Looks like I've made a hash of the clue with the anagram - 'in' doesn't appear to mean 'drunk' after all (I thought it was a shortening of 'in ones cups'). But something has to work as an indicator.
Perhaps there's another way the clue works, I spent a while looking at the 3 letter abbreviation for the first word before opting for S + the anagram. Any ideas?
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5th February 2019, 12:23
Well, that left only one word to check and 'unintelligible' works ok as an anagrind. That was well concealed!
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