I agonised about choosing `Just Deserts` to clue because I knew anagram possibilities were limited and its definition was narrow - what I liked about it was that the pronunciation of desert in this context (and in the AWOL meaning) was the same as dessert but the spelling implied the Gobi , Sahara etc pronunciation.
Mattrom - I`m pleased the `swallow` clip had a happy ending - Darwin would no doubt have concluded that swallows who ate the flies but didn`t drink the poisoned water would survive and pass on this behaviour to their offspring. As children we always had a budgie as a pet - one was called `Tinker`and he / she lived up to the name - always behaving badly in front of company and swearing ( can`t think where it learned this bad language ! ) It used to sit on your shoulder and peck your ear until you allowed it to share whatever you were eating - it was a much loved little creature!