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31st December 2018, 16:47
I was inspired by the Xmas spirit to make up this joke for my 7-year old called Talia;

Why did the submariner not get a present from Santa?
He was on the Nautilus!

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31st December 2018, 16:58
That's fit for a Christmas cracker - I'm not sure how complimentary that is!
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31st December 2018, 21:55
Hi paul heres one I have just made up for you.
Why did Rudolf have a red nose.

Because a black one would not look "wight" Di yer gerrit??
All the best. It cant be 7 yrs since Talia was born. Theambler
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31st December 2018, 23:11

I am sorry but I dont get your joke, or Pendas for that matter. What am I missing?
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1st January 2019, 02:49
Jig Jag;
The Nautilus was UKs first nuclear submarine. It sounds like “naughty list”
Probably loses impact on the translation.

The Ambler; great to hear from you again! Yes doesn’t time fly! 7 going on 17!
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1st January 2019, 03:24
What happened to the man who stole an advent calendar?

He got 25 days

Happy New Year x
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1st January 2019, 07:30

I am extremely impressed if Talia understood your joke, I am not trying it on my 8 year old grandson! I'm sure he's never heard of HMS Nautilus (his great grandfather worked for a company that built nuclear subs!) but he just might be aware of the mollusc.

But, ho ho, If you believe Santa can get down chimneys when he is somewhat overweight, why not underwater?

Best wishes for the New Year
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1st January 2019, 14:52
Ros - I dd have to explain it!. Afterwards she said to me that had she been a grown-up she would have found it very funny!

Happy new year to you too - and everyone else!
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1st January 2019, 16:58
Paul, how extraordinaily sweet! She will go far, that one.

HNy to you, too

I'm sure I've put my granddaughter;s favurite joke (when she was 4) on here,but I'm doing it again as I love it.

What do you do if you find a spaceman?
Park in it, man
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stevie gee

1st January 2019, 17:03
Why does Santa Claus like to go down the chimney?
Because it "soots" him.

Why does Santa have a garden?
So he can hoe,hoe,hoe.
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