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23rd December 2018, 13:25
Have done about 2/3 of this. All very happy so far but suddenly solved three clues where the missing letters can only occur in unchecked cells thereby giving me a choice of two letters to put in those cells. If that's the case, the only way I'll be able to decide which to enter in the grid will be to wait and see which letters make sense in the context of the 'instruction'. Could someone confirm that I've not gone wrong please?
I've not looked at the rest of this thread in case I inadvertently see any answers. Thanks
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23rd December 2018, 13:38
Simond That's the only way to do it!
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23rd December 2018, 13:40
Thanks (and phew!)
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23rd December 2018, 14:57
I think there are seven such cases, plus another affecting a checked cell. Fortunately they don't impede reading the message too much.
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24th December 2018, 13:02
Grid 95% complete but got a few that are still holding out. Any chance of nudges (nothing too explicit please) for the following.....

9d (I have a lot of options for crossing letters but just can't see it)
20d I have a word that fits the wordplay and the crossers but, if it's correct, the definition is a bit weak.

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24th December 2018, 16:09
Simond9x - 18a is a well known Austrian painter.
43a is a type of fruit backwards inside a type of bread.
9d another name for human trunk in plural plus alternative 2 letter word for over.
20d first word is definition then think anagram.
Hope this helps!
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24th December 2018, 16:54
Thanks smartie. I’d solved 18 and 9 in the meantime. You’ve confirmed what I had for 20d but I still think the definition is a little ‘tenuous’ as a synonym of the answer. So, now to look at 43 again and then onto the endgame.
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24th December 2018, 17:26
Got 43 but not sure why there’s a plural - that had thrown me earlier.
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24th December 2018, 18:02
Simond9x - I think “rolls” is a verb telling us that what it describes earlier is to be rolled over.
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24th December 2018, 18:13
Doh! Of course it is rad, thanks. I got too fixated on it being a two-word term.
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