Hi Williamseal. I suppose I've been solving the Listener puzzle in excess of 20 years. To begin with I wasn't very good, there wasn't any online assistance, and I'm sure many puzzles were left incomplete.
The 'two threads' issue. A couple of weeks ago there was a bit of an argument. One of the issues was that some solvers asking for help want only to receive hints, not answers. Another issue was that there are sometimes questions from solvers which go unanswered.
In fact neither of these issues are recent, and the argument was indeed an argument waiting to happen.
So the suggestion was for there to be, each week, one thread where there are only hints and nudges, and another where it was admissible to give answers. You may have noticed that Wakeling began the 'Listener 4533' thread this week which de facto has become the 'hints' thread, then later I introduced the 'Listener 4533 Answers' thread. It has been quite interesting not least because everyone who has since commented has done so on the 'answers' thread. Of course there may well be many other people who have not commented, who have only visited the 'hints' thread.
In theory, if someone wanted to, they could give a very full answer on this thread, the 'answer' thread, for example revealing the title and author of the book etc., since anyone not wanting to see answers could prevent themselves from looking on the 'answers' thread, and instead ask for a hint on the 'hints' thread.