You're welcome, Sunray. One of the letters of F?? is extra. Then there's a 4-letter word for 'crave'. Whole thing is a variant spelling of a Chinese tea.
Hi Fgsltw, extra words in across : 1,14,25 ; down : 11,27.
My fingertips aren't very good, and I'm useless at fiddly little tasks like origami. But you can visualise the theme without needing to making the cuts (though the cut up grid is probably required if you send in your solution). Just one vertical fold in the middle.
I have filled the grid and I am quite happy with that. I followed the instruction and cut out the five extra words. However, I cannot see how to fold the crossword and I cannot see a book or author in the grid. I would appreciate a gentle nudge about how I should proceed. Thanks.