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7th November 2018, 15:51
26 A is a normal clue. Shorten (take the clothes off) a French word for boy, you'll have a musical term for 'with a bow'.

23 A word for 'less' , add an anagram of 'clue', gives you a word meaning 'little'.
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7th November 2018, 16:23
Thank you very much, Malone, I'll try that. Thank you again.
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8th November 2018, 10:53
I've just two little thematics left to solve, 10a and 19a. Have looked at it for a while now! Any tips.....number of letters in word to remove maybe? Is 'settler' migrant or immigrant or something?
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8th November 2018, 11:01
Lumen, the settler is a very common word, Britain used to have many of them. Five letters are swapped for...

10 A. Again five letters are removed. The answer isn't a word I'd have immediately thought of for 'swordsmen', but it all works. You need the usual stuff for 'small', usual stuff for 'girl', and reasonably usual stuff for 'lady's'.

PS For some of the thematic answers, I just stared at my keyboard - a couple of times things jumped out at me. That's what happened with 10 A.
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8th November 2018, 11:10
Thanks Malone, good tips. Took me three or four minutes thinking time and now I'm done.
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8th November 2018, 11:12
Lumen, glad I could help.
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8th November 2018, 17:58
I’ve been typing (with all ten fingers) for many, many years but have never before looked as closely at the keyboard. That wee squiggly thing that means micro or section I’m not sure I’ve ever noticed before and can’t imagine when I’d use it but I know where it is now! An enjoyable puzzle.
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20th November 2018, 14:37
I hope some-one is still looking at this thread. We have been without Broadband for the past couple of weeks, so have only been able to attempt this today.
I have been doing quite well, but am utterly stuck on 10a, despite previous hints found here. Another nudge would be more than welcome!
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20th November 2018, 14:47

small = s
girl = lass
lady's = hers

the 1st 5 are replaced by /
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20th November 2018, 15:25
Thank you, Scarlett. Hopefully it will make sense soon!
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