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3rd September 2018, 18:48
Thank you rad and others for the hints but I am getting nowhere fast. I assume the four letter word starts with W because of both the definition gleaned from the clues and answers and the golf connotation of the title. I also assume that once the seven examples are highlighted they will form the four letters of that word. The trouble is that I can't see anything apart from the 7 letter one beginning with H in the bottom right quarter that fits my assumption.
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3rd September 2018, 18:53
Alwayspuzzled, the 7-letter word beginning with H will have another one joined to it, so that it forms the last letter of the word you mentioned. The second one is far less well-known. The examples in the square to the left of that one are more obvious - and you'll know what shape you want. The examples don't all go in the same direction- some are clockwise, some aren't.
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3rd September 2018, 20:06
Go the other way from your "H" to give a 7 letter uncommon one

bottom left one of the 2 6 letter ones starts in 33d...follow it round to get the other one there

top right i hadn't heard of either ...symmetry should help you now

top left ...starts in 10d and is 7-6 obscure one too
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3rd September 2018, 20:14
Thank you Malone and Bunty. I now just need the top left one. As you both say, there are some really obscure ones.
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3rd September 2018, 20:22
Got it now. Thanks to everybody for their hints.
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4th September 2018, 14:23
I have finished this puzzle.

40a is thematic word plus bear.
I cannot find it in TCD or on Google.
Is my entry correct?

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4th September 2018, 14:32
yes ... think it's just a bear that climbs a tree
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4th September 2018, 14:56
Thanks bunty
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manic mary

5th September 2018, 13:40
Despite all your sterling hints, I am still floundering with the NE corner.Want 4d to be Wham but can't parse it & 5,7 & 8d I'm not seeing at all. Also, even though I am fairly sure I have the right words out (quite few are missing} I can't make h or t of what I am looking for. Thanks in advance to all.
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5th September 2018, 14:29
4 D. Natty blow dry (4) WELT - it means blow and dry, but not natty.

I can't do all the clues, but...

5 partly involves an anagram, the 'air' is not a breeze.
7 A Belgian battle site
8. The snacks before a meal are usual in Spain.
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