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2nd September 2018, 17:20
can't see any ... am i looking for 7 timbers .. if so i can see one...
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3rd September 2018, 07:52
I am in the same boat as others. I can see two, a 3 letter one beginning with E which goes diagonally upwards (and I'm not convinced that is right)and a 7 letter one beginning with H which turns through 90 degrees.(Again I'm not convinced that is right.) Apart from that I can't see the woods for the trees. Any pointers as to where I can branch out would be appreciated.
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3rd September 2018, 08:24
If you know the word you are looking to highlight (and the title helps to confirm that), you can guess that its letters might be evenly distributed throughout the grid (think quadrants). None of the examples is a straight line, but taken together they form letters with at least one axis of symmetry. Your H sounds right.

My only issue with the puzzle is that I believe there need to be 8 examples (51 letters) highlighted to reveal the word. I am taking that as a misprint, but it would be handy if anyone would confirm
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3rd September 2018, 08:28
It might be worth adding that if I am right about the 8 rather than 7, that would imply an average length for the examples of between 6 and 7
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3rd September 2018, 08:29
Keepatit, I have seven examples, entries adding up to 51 letters.
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3rd September 2018, 08:33
Of course, Malone, I was forgetting the hyphen. Memo to self: never post before coffee. Many thanks for that
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3rd September 2018, 08:41
Glad you resolved it in your mind, keepatit - it was probably just too early in the day!
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3rd September 2018, 09:01
the letter in the top left quadrant is formed with 13 cells ....looks like 2 words but together they make 1 of the 7 you need
Other quadrants each have 2 of the 7
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3rd September 2018, 09:22
Thanks bunty, I had all the highlighting, had just assumed it was two examples and not one hyphenated one, and was too stupid to check!
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3rd September 2018, 11:46
Alwayspuzzled (post 22)

The 3-letter word beginning with E is a red herring, albeit inanimate! Presumably an unintended coincidence.

Another extraordinary coincidence is that an 8-letter clue answer is identical to one of the thematic items to be highlighted in the Listener.

I have finished both of these puzzles, but in both cases I have received essential help with the endgame from this forum. Many thanks to all concerned.
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