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3rd September 2018, 09:45
Significant if you add the next three letters.
I finished the grid fill on Saturday morning but despite hours of trying I still have three targets to find.
I think I may have made an error but cant track it down.
I still have A B and G to fit into the top two obstacles and and the fifth cell on row 9. I assume the three targets are associated.
Is this correct? If not I give up. If OK a hint would be welcome. Maybe word lengths and direction (up down left right diagonal etc) and which letter in which cell.
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3rd September 2018, 10:37
Orson, yes the obstacle cells receive 6 of the extra letters.

Smithsax, the letters used for obstacle cells (numbering rows top to bottom) : row 4 M, row 5 L, row 8 BP, row 9 G and row 11 C. There are 6 across targets (2 are on the same row) : 9, 5, 5, 8, 6, 6 (the 5th of those in reverse). The other 4 targets are in columns : 6,4,7,10
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3rd September 2018, 11:12
Thanks, meursault. I think I've finished but my vertical targets are in columns 4, 9, 10 and 11.
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3rd September 2018, 11:24
Person, don’t worry, you are correct. Meursault was just giving the word lengths
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3rd September 2018, 11:25
Sorry, orson. My autocorrect assumed you were a person ...
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3rd September 2018, 16:12
Thanks meursault. I had managed to make “mallard” in 7 contiguous cells near the centre using available letters. The word doubled back on itself (mall on one line and dra on the line below). I thought this was what the preamble meant by “beating a retreat” and could not see my mistake when checking.
It then of course left me with all the wrong letters for the last couple of targets.
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3rd September 2018, 16:52
You're welcome, Smithsax. I never even spotted that possibility (which is fortunate), though I did muse for a while about the possibility of 'mallard' in an approximate chevron on the left hand side. I've forgotten now why I discarded that idea, but probably because I was eventually finding more and more straight line solutions.
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3rd September 2018, 19:10
Thanks Wintonian and to others for their input as ever. In case anyone is still stuck, it helped that all the targets are in Bradford’s. I have two of another sort as pets 8-).
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5th September 2018, 10:01
The classic game of two halves this one for me. Thought the grid fill was excellent, the idea of the obstacle / deflection cells was very good and an all round very enjoyable couple of hours.

Then 3 very tedious hours trying to source obscure names of birds, half of which weren’t on any lists I could find on the internet. Very, very tedious endgame, as Meursault mentioned earlier in the thread.

One say Poat will set a puzzle where the endgame is shorter than the gridfill, hopefully.
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5th September 2018, 10:06
Rrrobbo - I don’t have Bradford’s and it sounds like it would have saved me a lot of time here. I googled it and there seems to be a dictionary and a book of lists. Which is more useful, do I need both?

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