Hi Samovar. The playfair code is the name of A's vessel. It should be preceded by 3 letters to denote that the vessel 'belonged' to a madman called George III. There is an alternate name which involves just 2 of those letters, then a 4-letter word to denote a 3-masted vessel with mizzenmast fore- and aft-riffed, then the actual name. Forget that. The code to be used is the 3 letters, then 8 letters for the actual name. The actual name is in fact 9 letters long, but only 8 letters of it are used in the playfair code, since one of them is a repeated letter (so the second occurrence of this is omitted).
So, you should have all of the top 2 rows of the playfair square filled with the code, and just one cell of the third row. After that the unused letters are used in sequence to fill out the rest of the square. The 3rd row then looks like 'RBCFG'. You'll be able to deduce the 4th and 5th rows.