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27th August 2018, 15:35
I have never done a Playfair Code before, but thought I'd have a go at this one. And I am quite confused. I thought that I had to use the code phrase "B" to create the 5 cell/5 line square. But I run out of the alphabet at the end of the fourth line of the square. Could someone help me, or would that be giving too much away ? I have "B" with it's 3 letter Acronym, and have also tried another variation of "B" which is two words.
Thank you.
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27th August 2018, 16:20
Do not repeat any letters. 'B' should take you to the first letter in row 3. I and J use the same square.
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27th August 2018, 16:21
Sorry - also all letters of the alphabet must appear. One you have use the code name - without repeating a letter use the rest of the alphabet in order.
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27th August 2018, 16:32
Hi Samovar. The playfair code is the name of A's vessel. It should be preceded by 3 letters to denote that the vessel 'belonged' to a madman called George III. There is an alternate name which involves just 2 of those letters, then a 4-letter word to denote a 3-masted vessel with mizzenmast fore- and aft-riffed, then the actual name. Forget that. The code to be used is the 3 letters, then 8 letters for the actual name. The actual name is in fact 9 letters long, but only 8 letters of it are used in the playfair code, since one of them is a repeated letter (so the second occurrence of this is omitted).

So, you should have all of the top 2 rows of the playfair square filled with the code, and just one cell of the third row. After that the unused letters are used in sequence to fill out the rest of the square. The 3rd row then looks like 'RBCFG'. You'll be able to deduce the 4th and 5th rows.
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27th August 2018, 16:42
I have made little progress since yesterday. I do have the playfair square.
But any hint on 44a and 23d will be helpful.
Let me know if I have to repeat the clues here.
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27th August 2018, 16:46
Sunray for 23dn Fleur is the girl and 44 is the object on planes retrieved after a crash.
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27th August 2018, 17:10
Thanks unclued.
As soon as I posted, I realized 44 is an anagram.
Thanks for Fleur. Did not know that word.
Popsy and Fleur, learned from solving crosswords.
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27th August 2018, 18:09
Thanks very much to Wintonian for the extra info about the 250th anniversary. That puts the icing on the cake for me in terms of this being a first class puzzle. Excellent.

One loose end for me - I presume the unchecked letter in 18a is an A to get an old word for a pillowcase, but can’t see how this is related to be entitled to.
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27th August 2018, 18:10
Thank you very much, mt49er and Meursault. I stupidly hadn't understood to use all the letters of the alphabet, I had just used those following on the preceding one.
Sorry to be late thanking, I had to go out.
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27th August 2018, 18:11
Sorry, I meant E.
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