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24th August 2018, 21:34
well done Rosalind and thanks to ginge for hosting.

When we get ta short word to clue I am always surprised by the amount of variation in the entries
61 of 70  -   Report This Post


24th August 2018, 21:43
Well done Rosalind !

Thanks to mattrom and nemo for the votes - very much appreciated.

Cheers ginge for a grand job in the chair and yes it was that damned predictive text ! Glad you see the funny side heathcliff ;)
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24th August 2018, 22:01
and Well done from me too Ros! Good luck with the choosing of a
word for next week .........

Cheers Ginge - good hosting and good judging!
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24th August 2018, 22:03
Nice one, Rosalind! Cheers, Ginge. Enjoyed the clip. (Thanks, Syzygy). Thanks, SteveA, for the mention. Much appreciated.
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24th August 2018, 22:03
PS - Commiserations Heathcliff! Next time I'll try and vote twice!
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24th August 2018, 22:06
Super congrats, Rosalind - I know you prefer the shorter word to clue (and we've had a series of them lately), so it's good you could compete and great that you won!

Thanks, ginge - with 9 clues being voted for, the judgement could've been much worse!
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24th August 2018, 22:07
... and a great clip, ginge.
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24th August 2018, 22:21
Well done, rosalind
Thanks for the votes, sw and fj and for the 'like', pigale
Well sorted, ginge
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24th August 2018, 22:45
I am super-surprised to have won. Thank you to jws and tatters for their votes and to heathcliffe, whose vote was especially sporting. Also for the "likes" of BBM, Paul and fj.
Thank you also ginge for a great word, hosting and the clip. It must have been quite an expensive video to make, if all the instruments really were smashed! Very spooky. Now, there's a word.......
Until next week
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26th August 2018, 08:55
You are too kind, rosalind.

I forgot to thank Pigale, Marty and Paul for their votes. Please forgive my lack of manners, gents!
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