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17th August 2018, 20:19
Well done ginge and thanks to bbm for hosting.

Thanks to Seamus for the vote and to mattrom, chrise, paul, ginge and pigalse for the mention
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17th August 2018, 21:49
Congratulations Ginge, and thank you bbm for the challenge and
My thanks to Rossim, ChrisE and Fiery for your votes, and also
to Seamus, Mattrom, Nemo and Ginge for your mentions - All
very much appreciated.
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17th August 2018, 21:56
Still hoping someone will provide a parse ...
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17th August 2018, 22:46
Nice one, Ginge, and thanks for the mention. Cheers, Marty. Shall watch the clip later.

SteveA. Think sol-fa, "do re me"a being acceptable spellings for the first three notes in a major scale.
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17th August 2018, 22:48
(Please ignore the superfluous "a")
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17th August 2018, 23:24
Very nice, ginge, and thanks so much for your vote; it made my day. I was going for a naughty surface and at first had "attachment that might need enhancement", but I didn't like the cadence. Thanks, bigbad, too.
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17th August 2018, 23:35
Thanks for the parse, sw. Cunning stuff, ginge.

Watched the clip. RIP, one of the singing greats. R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
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17th August 2018, 23:59
Well done, Ginge. Thanks to Stevea, Nemo, Paul and Geevo for your votes, and to Ginge and Pigale for the mention. Cheers, BBM2.
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18th August 2018, 00:30
Commiserations mattrom and thanks for your vote. I much preferred your #7 which I was surprised didn't get a vote or more mentions.
Also, many thanks for your votes skyewalker (thanks for parsing), aristo (your alternative may have raised a bigger smile), pigale and your casting vote BBM2 (cheers for hosting). I guess it was a marmite like clue as it never got a mention elsewhere.
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18th August 2018, 07:50
Well done ginge, but too clever for me to work out without the parsing.
Nice choice of word BBM, as evinced by the eclectic range of clever clues submitted.
Thanks jws and spike for the votes, and to chris and pigale for the mentions. I'm fairly new to this game and need all the encouragement I can get!
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