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17th August 2018, 14:27
Pigale. @ 10
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17th August 2018, 14:33
I'd like to comment on many really good entries but space and time won't permit.
I always like innovation and admire skyewalker's attempt @ 12 but have to agree the tweak was needed which unfortunately spoils the surface as you noted. Of all the (p)resume(s) I prefer pigale @ 10. Shortlist includes mattrom @ 7, jws 16, rossim @ 21 and spike2 @ 29.
For me, just losing out using similar (but different!) devices seamus @ 26 & jws @ 36 to what I felt would be a smiling lightbulb moment when solving aristo @ 14.
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17th August 2018, 16:49
Nemo #20
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17th August 2018, 18:42
Such a long short list that it is difficult to decide!
Liked Mattrom @7 and 9, Fiery @11, Nemo @19, 22 and 34, JWS @16,
Rossim @ 23, Stevea @31 ........... where do I stop?

But just in front of all these good clues comes my vote goes for
Ginge @5

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17th August 2018, 18:45
Hi everyone I make it we had 26 clues from 14 setters.

One more vote to come in from pigale - at the moment the contest is too close to call.

I've just devoured my weekly fish and chips ration and need a lie down.

Back after 9pm BST with the result.

Thanks for playing this week!
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17th August 2018, 19:04
Just shows you what a slow typist I am.

It's a tie between mattrom #9 and ginge#5

Chrise voted pigale so I shall have to decide...

I'll go for ginge's well hidden def. in his #5

To take repossession do they follow us back inside ? (6)

Your prize sir ;-

(not my genre but quality shines forever)
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17th August 2018, 19:09
Congratulations, ginge
Thanks for the comment, steve (glad someone liked it :) )
Cheers bbm2
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17th August 2018, 19:31
Congrats, ginge. Thanks, BBM, and thanks for the mentions, pigale and Nemo.

Can someone please parse the winner? I see the reverse of US in there, but need help with the rest, thanks.
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17th August 2018, 19:32
Congratulations Ginge and thanks for the mention.

Thanks Bbm2 for hosting.
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17th August 2018, 20:08
I've delayed congratulating ginge and thanking BBM2 as I was waiting for a parse too! Let them both be said now...
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