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18th July 2018, 21:09
You need to discover the title in order to encode the entries.
One of the 'items' is involved in the highlighting.
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19th July 2018, 10:04
Thanks! That's got me there more or less after a lot of work. Superb puzzle. Just have to work out now (when my brain's cooled down a bit) how exactly the coded entries are entered - particularly in the case of unchecked cells - looks like there might be alternatives?
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19th July 2018, 12:31
All done - coding turned out to be unambiguous. Thanks for the nudge. I think this discreet kind of help is allowable here but the direct giving of answers is not - imho.
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1st August 2018, 08:23
I know this puzzle is quite old. I'm struggling still with theme/code.
Can someone clarify - does the phrase contain all 26 letters of the alphabet? (It can't surely?) It has repeats and some letters missing?
Also a nudge towards how a 26 letter phrase can contain 11 items....that's an average 2-3 letters each item, and its not doh, re, mi !
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1st August 2018, 10:13
lumen - You're correct, the phrase omits some letters and duplicates others.

I attempted to deal with the misleading sentence in the preamble in an earlier post, I'll have another go -
The contents of 'the phrase' as a physical entity includes 11 or 12 items - not the phrase itself (5 words).

I took a guess at the first two coded words of the instructions, they are what you'd normally expect to be told to do.
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1st August 2018, 10:48
Thanks, I have it now.
Wouldn't have got it though without your guidance and 'highlighting' certain things.
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