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24th June 2018, 21:36
39 The definition is 'a', in the clue - an abbreviation for 'acre'. At sea = anagram 'race'.
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24th June 2018, 21:37
.crossed posts ... thanks Malone for explaining
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24th June 2018, 21:39
Scarlett, you're welcome. Some of your letters, in the list, are wrong.
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25th June 2018, 06:39
I am stuck on 11 across ( Sled's smooth once you've rubbed this scratch - 6, two words ). Possibly "even up" but why? Apart from that there is no light at the tunnel as far as the endgame is concerned. Any strong hints/pointers for both 11 across and the endgame would be much appreciated.
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25th June 2018, 06:55
For 11, I have 3-3, a term meaning 'scratch' as in 'scratch a living'. I don't have any parsing. I also don't have any idea about the endgame - sorry!
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25th June 2018, 06:58
I've resolved 11 - if you add one of the words in my answer to Sled, you get a synonym for 'smooth'.
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25th June 2018, 07:52
Thank you for that Malone. I will work on the endgame later. I have just realised I have only 8 extra letters - in clue order I L A T H O M E ( and I am dubious about T ) so it is back to the drawing-board there.
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25th June 2018, 07:55
Glad I could help. The last seven of your letters are correct, there are two before them. (Well, if I've got them right!)
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25th June 2018, 08:10
i have ALLATHOME ( A from 1a , L from 19a) but could well be wrong.... don't how they help though...anyone?
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25th June 2018, 11:26
Thank you for that Malone and Scarlett. I had jotted down the wrong letter for 1 across and omitted to jot down the one at 19 across. I am now looking for how the three words and the solutions to the nine clues point towards the completion of the middle column.
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