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5th July 2010, 18:26
Sorry Tony - too much of a hurry - of course I should have said the first 2 and the last 2.If you want confirmation I feel sure you would find it by googling - he's a frequent setter
Something you might find in the garden
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5th July 2010, 18:32
Thanks AJT I was thinking of the bottom of the garden when I queried the number of letters.
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5th July 2010, 18:56
Thanks AJT. I had a very obscure word for 4D which means wept and had me in it! I just overcomplicated it.
I have 6D as a type of cartilaginous fish...but can't decide which one.
Well, Nelson is the most famous man in naval history for me...but you can't be that old! And I am not young!
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5th July 2010, 19:34
Hi Clevertask_ 6d is a treated word - but, the first 4 letters make the name of a fish, and the 2nd four ia a work for "pay attention" There are letters missing.

For 16 d it's not a person you're seeking, but what does it say? Naval vessel
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5th July 2010, 19:42
I'm still struggling to identify the 4 'affected' down clues. I've been told of 6d - can someone please tell me the other 3 ?
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5th July 2010, 19:51

Other 3 are - 18d, 23d & 26d
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5th July 2010, 20:01
Cheers Jack
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5th July 2010, 21:23
Just two left now: 20 & 24a. Still don't quite understand the logic of the missing letters - particularly for 18d.
Also I only seem to have 4 treated across clues, not including the one that is a real word. Is 8a one of the words treated?
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5th July 2010, 21:36
Is this a private crossword or can anybody join in? Clues, number of letters etc. would help!

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5th July 2010, 22:55
Clevertask #28

8ac is one of the treated words, so is 20ac.
Haven't got 24ac yet & I'm not sure of 6d; both are treated words.
In 18d the 'jack' is missing.

Andy #29

It's a crossword known as the Guardian Genius, it's published monthly, only online at:
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