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1st June 2018, 14:04
Liked Ros @3 and Nemo @ 24

vote goes to Aristo @ 23
41 of 68  -   Report This Post


1st June 2018, 14:39
aristophanes 23
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1st June 2018, 14:54
43 of 68  -   Report This Post


1st June 2018, 15:40
Thanks once again, everyone for taking part. The promised rain and thunder have started here, which is par for the course, as our local annual agricultural show is tomorrow, and it's almost invariably pittering down during that.

With almost two thirds of the votes in so far, Aristo @23, on 3 votes, is just ahead of Ros @3, on 2. FJ @6, Paul @17 and Nemo @9 have garnered 1 vote apiece so far but, with 5 votes yet to come in, any clue can still win.
44 of 68  -   Report This Post


1st June 2018, 16:11
Very difficult. Like Paul 12, aristo 23 but just heading fj 6 (heard one in the garden just now!) is nemo #9
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1st June 2018, 17:12
Liked Mattrom 4, Chris 15, Nemo 24

Vote Aristo 23
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1st June 2018, 17:59
mattrom @19
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1st June 2018, 18:17
ginge: I really liked your clue @10 but saw ground as an anagram indicator when the word was simply reversed. An unusual circumstance. Of course it's still an anagram! Lovely wordplay.
48 of 68  -   Report This Post


1st June 2018, 22:35
With only two votes outstanding, Marty and Steve (with Steve unlikely to vote any time soon, I declare the worthy winner to be Aristo @23 with:

Got a load of laundry returned unfinished (3)

Your prize is totally unrelated to the word challenge. I put on this clip as it refers to a recent event.

I include the following as we had tickets to see them last weekend. Had it down in my diary for Sunday, booked a restaurant for a pre-gig curry, looked out the tickets on Sunday to find that the show had taken place the previous evening. Gutted, but I have previous form in that respect. (See below).

Previously, my inability to get concert/gig details correct seem to have centred around the band Squeeze. The first time we saw them, we turned up a month early at the venue. That was fine as we then saw them the following month. Next time I had us arrive at the O2 ABC when they were actually playing at the O2 Academy on the other side of the river. Once again, happy ending. Still got there in time for the show. Last time was for a Glenn Tilbrook solo show at King Tut's. I had separated the tickets proper from the sections that showed the name, address and payment details etc. You've guessed it, I took the wrong bits and we were refused entry. Is it on the plus side that, arriving home unexpectedly early, we were able surprise our then teenage daughter who had decided to invite a load of her mates round for smoking and underage drinking?

I bought tickets for Paul Simon's farewell tour and, after apologising to my wife for my recent faux pas, suggested jokingly she might want to look after them. She asked me to look them out, which was when I realised I was a month out in my diary for that concert. Just kill me now.

Best wishes, all.

49 of 68  -   Report This Post


1st June 2018, 22:52
Sorry. Forgot (Are you surprised?) to mention the final scores which are: with 1 vote each, FJ @6, Paul @17 and Mattrom @19. Joint runners-up, on 2 votes, are Ros @3 and Neil @9. Of course, as previously mentioned, the winner is Aristo with 4 votes.
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