If you run 38ac and 41ac into one clue, you lose the top-bottom mirror symmetry.
The trick is to have the letters for the first answers to 38ac and 41ac in the top right corners of the cells and the letters for the second answers (the three word answer in 38ac) in the bottom left corners. This then lets you put the letters for the first (one word) answer to 5dn on the lower left and the letters for the second (three word) answer on the upper right of the relevant cells.
I hope, though, that those who send entries where the letters are the other way round won’t be penalised.
I must not have explained my thinking clearly enough. For 38ac, I am trying to get the letters for the one-word answer to appear above the letters for the three-word answer. For 41ac, I am trying to get the letters associated with the answer that links with with the “top”answer in 38ac above the letters of the answer that links with the “bottom” answer for 38ac. For 5dn, I am trying to get the letters in the one-word answer to appear to the left of the letters in the three-word answer.
Where 5dn intersects with 41ac, the letter in the one-word answer of 5dn is the same as the letter in the lower answer of 41ac. Similarly, the letter in the three-word answer of 5dn is the same as the letter in the upper answer of 41ac.
So putting the letters in the two-letter cells with the one-word answer to 38ac and the connected answer to 41ac, and the three-word answer to 5dn, in the top right corner will ensure that the answers can be read in the order suggested by the clues.