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3rd May 2018, 12:44
In order to verify the other two names I had to read more about it. Very interesting because like Malone I’d never heard of the book or film.
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3rd May 2018, 12:46
Yes, teenieleek, it was all very interesting stuff!

MM, if you're really, really stuck and feel you're getting nowhere, you could Google the crossword title and the forename you're likely to have at 6 D.
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manic mary

3rd May 2018, 17:55
Thank you Malone, yes, I had a brainstorm and realised I knew what the 'con' was, however, couldn't remember the name of the operation and did google it but that hasn't helped with the two final names tho' I do see the neatness in the second of the two words to be written below the grid!
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3rd May 2018, 17:58
The two 'names' aren't necessarily people...

Glad you got there - well, almost there!
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5th May 2018, 10:31
Sorry everyone - this is going to be a bit old hat for many of you but I started this puzzle late, having been away for a few days. Finished the grid and found the two symmetrically-placed names (not people - thanks malone!) after researching the story - most enjoyable!
I have the 4 additional words removed from clues before solving but don't see the connection with the theme (not that I suppose it matters), and I wouldn't have twigged the connection between the 3 words removed from the answers and the 2nd word of the theme had I not found the deception first.
All in all, a nice puzzle...
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5th May 2018, 11:19
Aren’t the words just synonyms for man. So the man who never was?

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5th May 2018, 11:26
Yes, dja, that's what I thought - and tried to allude to earlier (though I was probably too vague in my attempt not to give too much away too soon!).
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5th May 2018, 12:05
Thanks dja and malone. So 3 of my 4 additional words must be wrong lol! I'll have another look when I have time...
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5th May 2018, 13:02
Gazzar, I think I got only three - and two of them were unknown (in that sense) before.
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