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1st May 2018, 15:34
1 A. Scrolls advantages if reimbursing pounds (6) Sifrei, scrolls
I couldn't think of a hint for that one!

7 D. Own clothing length to reduce by 50% (5)
A four-letter word for (to) own, with the usual abbreviation for length. Definition - to reduce by 50%.

32 D is thematic - you need an eight-letter word for pollen producers.

30 D. A word, slang, for Copper.

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manic mary

1st May 2018, 16:08
Groan! Never thought of that sort of copper and as to 7d, it really would help if I could read my own writing, read the V of 16a as a U. Would only have got 1a by trawling the dictionary (was to be next step) but good to know the crossing clues are correct. Will think on the others. Many thanks.
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1st May 2018, 16:23
Glad I helped, MM. I gave up a bit because I got tired of writing out the clues!
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manic mary

2nd May 2018, 19:20
Despite all the help, I still haven't 'clocked' the necessary, where do I go from here? I really think I should give up the EV, it is deffo one step beyond my feeble brain!
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2nd May 2018, 19:26
What stage are you at, MM? Do you have the name down the middle? Have you got the four removed words? If you have the words, you'll see the thing that's common to them...

I'd help more, but maybe you could ask something more specific. This was a very good crossword, so it's worth finishing!
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2nd May 2018, 19:51
All done apart from the two symmetrically placed thematic names. I’ve always hated word searches but I don’t know what I’m looking for here, two five letter names I assume , but from where? Book, film or somewhere else?
Liked this though, not difficult but the “major deception” is a clever use of words.
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2nd May 2018, 19:59
Hi teenieleek, it's actually 2 6 letter names (obviously each using one of your already highlighted cells) both "names" involved in (9,9).
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3rd May 2018, 07:45
Thanks Ginge.
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manic mary

3rd May 2018, 11:43
Thank you Malone, I have the obvious Christian name at 6d but can't make any headway on the obvious surname. I have two of the three but haven't cracked 32d yet and as to the four, I am useless at finding missing words as I can usually justify two or three words in that type of clue thanks to my totally non-logical mind. Currently have possibles only in 16a, 10d & 33d, probably all wrong. Feel I should know what the book is but it won't reveal itself.
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3rd May 2018, 12:12
The three removed words are important - the four other clues which contain an additional word... are not really essential. I'd never heard of the book or film, but the latter seems widely known to others!

32 D. Rustic tradesmen run away with pollen producers.
Take the 'r' (run away) out of 'tradesmen' and anagram it, you'll get a word meaning 'pollen producers'. There's a four-letter word in the middle that you then remove - the word has the same set of letters as have been removed in 24 A , 12 D .

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