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1st April 2018, 09:08
Well Marcia and Myra Rita. I see you are with it early today. So please help me with 17d and 17a!
(Inside) storage space provided by petrol station with room for gallons (5)
(Charlie) gets sad after wife leaves Jersey perhaps (7 two words)
Also 25a:
(Nutty) professor fails to complete second assays for William(6) here I have CEN?ES
Thank you
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1st April 2018, 09:16
Oh the typos!!!!! Sorry both. I meant to ask for help with 2d too
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1st April 2018, 09:19
17a the def is gets. W(ife) leaves an animal followed by an Italian word for sad.
17d is thematic and the def is storage space.
25a is also thematic. I twigged after looking up assay and finding Shakespeare’s meaning of the word.
Hope this helps.
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1st April 2018, 09:41
Hi Jogamel
2D is the one that "stumped" me for a while! It's thematic, use 'st' for 'quiet' instead of the usual 'sh' or 'p'....
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1st April 2018, 10:52
Me again. Please parse 17 d and 25a for me and put me out of my frustrated state of mind!
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1st April 2018, 11:05
I can’t see the petrol station. Am I dim? Or still quite parse 25.
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1st April 2018, 11:06
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1st April 2018, 11:14
17D parses (CELL) ARAGE with "CELL" = room for "G" = gallons
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1st April 2018, 14:16
No-one has mentioned 12 or 21, and either I'm being woefully thick or they are so convoluted that no-one has got them yet. I'd welcome a hint - perhaps the definition in each case. Is there a connection among the 10 (or is it 11 - is the survivor one of the 10?) beyond what the are famous for? If not then there must be thousands who could equally well belong. On reflection I am now sure I am being woefully thick. It's a knotty puzzle.
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1st April 2018, 15:26
Cockie, if you have the perimeter phrases this will tell you what role the missing people “played” and as regards 12a. The definition is cryogenic and the answer is an anagram of clouds and a short word for a coffee percolator. This is a themed clue.
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